We are Snailed It!

We build software that we want to see and use ourselves.

Our Apps

Toolbox Pro App
Toolbox Pro App

Toolbox Pro

130+ powerful new actions to use within Apple’s Shortcuts app.

Nautomate App
Nautomate App


Automate Notion with Shortcuts actions.

Logger App
Logger App


The first developer console designed for Shortcuts.

Menu Box App
Menu Box App

Menu Box

Design beautiful menus with data to use in Shortcuts.

FocusCuts App
FocusCuts App


A macOS app which provides Shortcuts actions to get your current Focus mode, and lets you choose Shortcuts in your menu bar based on your focus mode.

SnailedIt.social App
SnailedIt.social App


A small hosted Mastodon instance for those in want or need of a smaller community focused on kindness, consideration and open-mindedness.


Pushcut App
Pushcut App


Triggers, notifications & widgets that kick off your automation.

About Us

Snailed It Development Ltd is an independent development company formed by a group of friends from around the world. We came together to make software that we want to see and use in the world, working to provide solutions that help people in their day-to-day lives. At Snailed It, we believe that software doesn’t work unless it is both powerful and well-designed, so we aim to make products that our users enjoy using.